Saturday, August 18, 2012

Alligator Meatloaf

In 2005, after Katrina hit NOLA our church and 3 others decided to make our way there to help with the rebuilding process. The kids worked really hard to build portions of 3 houses during that week. At night they were starving, but even so there was a very small group of highschoolers who would come through the buffet line at night and ask several questions or have a comment about the food: what's in there? Ew, it has vegetables...that sort of thing. I had a skeleton kitchen staff so we were exhausted after the 1st day. We were feeding over 320 kids and the "Ew, vegetables" kids got to us by the end of the week. We decided to descreetly start a rumor that we would be serving alligator at the end of the week. We made this meatloaf and mac and cheese - not with alligator meat but beef. Instead of a buffet that night we served family style. We placed all the vegetables and bread on the tables as the kids arrived and had them sit down. My kitchen staff and I formed a procession holding the platters of alligators with the mac and cheese. Some kids actually screamed when they saw the platters. Everyone pulled out their cameras and took pictures. It was one of the funniest moments of my life! Have fun with this one!!

2 1/2 lbs. ground meat
1 cellaphane pkg. of Ritz crackers, crushed
1 cup ketchup
2 eggs, beaten

Mix all the ingredients together and bake in a 350 degree oven for 1 hr and 15 min. Cool and carefully transfer to a platter.

For the Mac and Cheese:
I use Kraft mac and cheese. I also use Wilson food paste- it has a more vivid color. I mix the food coloring into the mac and cheese when I add the cheese, butter and milk. (Be careful tho- this food coloring stains everything it touches!)

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